▲   WissensWissenschaffen:  Auf dem Wege

Hans-Josef Heck

Humankind  and  knowledge  -  A new outset from scratch

Version  0.1.2b -  20.08.2008  -  17.11.2016
One insight is fundamental:
At the beginning of any activity
of any knowledge.creating  and  of any acting
there must be a  WHATFOR.

Why do we have to create knowledge?

We phrase:
Our acting is part of nature, of the becoming.
The becoming has developed more and more complex structures.
We humans have developed to such a complexity
that we are able
But we humans did not yet recognise
Man has learned  to use his mental abilities
We humans did not manage, to realise consciously
We humans did not manage to realise consciously
Only when we have spotted this it will become possible to gather speed.
The imprisonment of ones own thinking one doesn't notice.
If one would notice, it wouldn't be imprisonment any more.
The "best thing" you can do now, is:  Regard all these statements as rubbish - and do not go on reading here.
And - you will be able to sleep in peace.
If you go on reading, I am getting into trouble:
I decided to take to the second alternative
as the walls  are walls only, because we
did not have the means to break down these walls. Therefore, the only thing I can do  is, to present the new knowledge.
You probably will have noticed:  I already started to do so.
If we are bound to a mental community, the new knowledge
or the new knowledge
But only you yourself will be able
to break down the barriers of your thinking.
If our thinking is to become independent and selfcontained
we have to try very hard:
To know nothing means
to give up all our concepts and notions
e.g. of "time", "space", "dimensions", ...
This will not be easy.
We are beings, which are - at least mentally -
grown up in flat surroundings, which has influenced
the way we think and the way we do research.
And we have grown up with the natural impact
of being forced to have a WHATFOR.
We have to start from scratch. By observations.

The becoming

What is becoming, becomes to exist.
We act in order to exist.
We are part of nature, of the becoming.  We are becoming.
We have to act  in order to be able to exist.
When born, we were willing to create knowledge and to act.
We have to live as communities,  to be able to exist.
The community imparts us with knowledge and
coaches us for life.
The community thinks  that we are going to act
as the community acts.
With the scientification of our research the community has split knowledge.creating into more and more specialised categories.
Thereby it was not possible to recognise, that all becoming,
the whole processing is a unity, an entity in which
This hierarchical-functional interlinking provided the basis
for the growing of the complexity of the becoming.
How this interlinking takes place, does not seem to be discovered.
Observable is:
The basis of  any becoming  and  of any knowledge.creating is
the  functional principle of the becoming,  the  "WHATFOR",  for
which we have created a variety of denominators in our languages.
If we want to get active, we have to
All  is processing.
The structure of the processing has not been discovered, yet.
For the time being, we assume
The points of the 'functional interlinking' are the interfaces in the becoming, which enable  functionality  and  flexibility  and thereby
   existence,  evolution,  freedom of choice  and  creativity
so that more and more complex structured processes emerge.
The denominators are tantamount, as

Our  knowledge.creating

Our knowledge.creating is missing an insight.
Namely that insight, that constitutes
a "complete" step of our evolutionary development.
At present, we have not recognised  that
At present, we have not thoroughly recognised  that
One should refrain from calling our knowledge.creating as "medieval" or "stone-aged". As this probably would raise the barriers of thinking instead of razing them.
Our knowledge.creating has to learn, that we have to discern our knowledge.creating by those functions  the knowledge is going to fulfil.
Our knowledge.creating has to learn, to discern between logical  and  functional:
To be able to create, apply and verify knowledge, we need functional methods, which conform to the field under research.
The detected functional structure of the becoming is straightforward and will be recognised immediately. This structure is self-evident for us. As, if we had not acted pursuant to the general principle of becoming, we would not have survived.
As the functional structure of becoming enables creativity, we can create new realities with and in our thinking.
New insights, even if scientific, had always been rejected. And it took some hundred years until they were generally accepted.
This has never been a technical, but a profound human problem: