▲   WissensWissenschaffen:  Auf dem Wege

Hans-Josef Heck

The fundamentals of knowledge.creating

Version  0.1.0b -  26.09.-17.10.2016
The outcome of this research is, that at the beginning
of all processing a  WHATFOR  is a must.
We humans want to act.
All is processing.
It is essential to know  the processing structure of nature,
in which we are active. We want to control
the becoming according to our objectives, our WHATFORs.
The principle of hierarchically nested  and  functionally
interconnected levels of processing is also known by informatics.
It is the "natural" structure of their systems.
But if informatics has realised, that this is
nature's "principle general" of all becoming  is to be doubted.
For, up till now  not any science seems to have realised the
fact of the hierarchically nested  and  functionally interconnected processing levels of the becoming.
Crucial is  that knowledge.creating can only create knowledge,
if there is a WHATFOR, a functional objective.
Research has created "techniques" how to react, when knowledge is missing and the gap is not to be shown (so clearly). Which has been raised here in treatises some few times.
If something is said to be true and this has became consent with the members of a community, this "true belief" is nearly indelible and will not be subject to validation - for members of this community, which can be mankind with exceptions.
This applies to researchers, too.  Standard example: 
Philosophy of science is logic-oriented. But the knowledge we need to be able to act successfully must be functional, objective oriented:  Knowledge about reality.
Philosophy and philosophy of science did not realise that knowledge has to be usable. They prefer to debate on it.
If knowledge is not usable, it cannot be validated. As we can validate knowledge only by applying it.
If knowledge does not have a function, does not have some sense, which means that it is good for nothing, we have agreed not to call it 'knowledge'. The English call it 'non-sense'.
 •  The general principle of nature - A pitfall of knowledge.creating
Why we have to create knowledge about our knowledge.creating?
As we are going to manipulate the becoming  and  to initiate and/or control processes function-oriented, me have to discover the structure of the becoming:
This  functional structure enables us at the interface of processes
so that we are able to control the processing.
Nature's processing structure is functional and thereby enables
existence,  evolution,  freedom of choice  and creativity.        
The designators are coextensive because
The functional structure of the becoming is also which means of all researching, learning and decision taking.
°)   A short story of  "How TIME came into being"